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How important is teaching as a part of the application?

Teaching & Learning is an integral part of the application for the excellence strategy and thus also of the activities of the Berlin University Alliance. Links between the different objectives of the Alliance are explicitly desired. In this respect, initiatives on innovative teaching within the framework of the call for Grand Challenge Initiatives are not obligatory, but welcome.

For example, teaching opportunities within the Student Research Opportuinites Program (StuROPx) would be a good option. With the X-Student Research Groups this program is supporting research teams made up of junior researchers and students. The aim is to involve students in current research projects of partner institutions and enable them to participate in top-level research at an early stage of their studies.

The Berlin University Alliance sponsors up to 32 X-Student Research Groups every year. Junior researchers can apply for funding twice a year as part of a “Call for Proposals”. For further information see: www.berlin-university-alliance.de/en/commitments/teaching-learning/sturop/research-groups/index.html